Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon? We walk you through what you need to know about birth control implants, how they work and whether they are effective

Several forms of contraception are currently available for women in the United States. If you are considering a birth control implant to avoid unwanted pregnancy, you may have questions like, “can you get pregnant on Nexplanon?” We will walk you through what you need to know about implantable contraception. 

Hormonal birth control today can be oral, injectable, and transdermal. You know ablout the pill, which you take orally every day. Then there are medications that are placed in the body that slowly release certain hormones and can work for a long time without you having to think about it. Devices like vaginal rings, hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs), and implantable contraceptives like Nexplanon are among these. What is it, how does it work and is it really effective? 

Dr. Lona Sasser and Dr. Mary Squire-De Leon are highly skilled gynecologists in Coral Springs, Florida, who offer birth control services and an array of compassionate care. 

Schedule your appointment today at 954-340-1050 or book online

What is Nexplanon? 

A birth control implant that goes in your arm. A health provider inserts this thin, flexible, plastic implant into the underside of your non-dominant upper arm. It’s about the size of a matchstick, and will work for 3 years, at which point it must be removed and, if you want to continue using it, replaced. 

It works by releasing progestin, a synthetic hormone that mimics progesterone. Progestin stops the ovaries from releasing an egg. It also thickens cervical mucus which may prevent sperm from passing into the uterus, and alters the uterine lining to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. Nexplanon or other such medications will not protect you from HIV or any Sexually Transmitted Infections or Diseases (STIs and STDs). 

Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon?

Implantable contraception is known to be a very effective method of birth control. Over the course of 1 year, fewer than 1 out of 100 people using the implant will have an accidental pregnancy. This is about the same chance of pregnancy as you have using the pill. 

The chances of getting pregnant increase if someone waits longer than 3 years to replace the tube. The efficacy of the implant also depends on your personal health history and what other medications you may be taking. Your healthcare provider should counsel you on whether the implant is a good fit for you or if there are any risks or contraindications that you should consider. 

Getting a birth control implant : what to expect

Ask your doctor about the best time to schedule your appointment to have the rod placed. The implant is usually inserted between the first and fifth day of your menstrual period, even if you are still bleeding. You will probably be given a pregnancy test to make sure you are not pregnant before it can be inserted. Tell your doctor if you think you might be pregnant or even if you missed a period.

Be sure you can feel the rod underneath your skin with your fingertips. If at any time you cannot feel it, or it seems bent or broken, tell your doctor right away.

What if I get pregnant on Nexplanon?

If you are in the extremely rare situation where you think you’ve gotten pregnant while using the birth control implant, call your doctor immediately to have the implant removed and talk about your options. According to this article from “Pharmacy and Therapeutics,” animal studies show no evidence of harm to the fetus. 

At our practice, we regularly consult with our patients on the many available choices for birth control, and can prescribe the birth control method of their choice. 

Book an appointment to discuss birth control, risks and benefits, and more with a compassionate gynecologist at Lona Sasser Obstetrics and Gynecology!


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

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