What is a wellness exam for a woman, and why is it important? Wellness exams are a pivotal part of every woman’s self-care!

Your annual wellness visit is integral to taking care of your health, your body, and yourself. So, what is a wellness exam for a woman? Keep reading to learn more about these yearly check-ups, why they matter, and what you should know before you go. 

A gynecological exam, pelvic exam, annual exam, or well-woman exam or visit all describe the same appointment. A wellness exam may have a slightly different name in each location, but it’s still the same. However, the exam itself will typically depend on your age, your medical and sexual histories, and your body. It also depends on your doctor.

At Dr. Lona Sasser Obstetrics & Gynecology, we offer wellness exams as part of our overall comprehensive services to patients in the Coral Springs area. We build long-term relationships with our patients. Your health is always our top priority. 

Making an appointment with our experienced and compassionate doctors is easy. Book online or call us at (954) 340-1050.

A wellness exam guide

What is a wellness exam for women? When you picture it, you may only imagine the physical or pelvic exam. (Yes, you can leave your socks on!) While the physical exam is essential to your visit, your well-woman visit is a comprehensive service, so there’s a little more involved. 

What is a wellness exam for a woman as a comprehensive service? First, it’s important to note that the exam is free. It is considered essential preventative healthcare, meaning it is a protected healthcare service under the Affordable Care Act. 

Your exam is the perfect time to talk to your gynecologist about topics such as:

  • Reproductive and pelvic health issues
  • Uncomfortable or heavy periods
  • Birth control and family planning
  • STI Testing and diagnosis
  • Pregnancy testing

How to prepare for your visit

If you’re asking, “What is a wellness exam for women,” then you probably want to know how to prepare for your visit.

The best way to prepare is to come armed with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your sexual health. An exam is a time to speak to your doctor about your medical and sexual history and overall health. You should be open, honest, and prepared with relevant information.

  • Bring a list of recent medical events, including vaccinations or surgeries.
  • Write down any medications you are taking and their dosage. 
  • Think ahead about concerns or questions you want to discuss with your doctor.

What is a wellness exam for a woman? Your wellness exam is an opportunity for you to get correct information and support for your well-being. Talking to your doctor can help you clarify your experiences or symptoms. 

Plus, your doctor can offer personalized care based on your in-person time together and any discussions you have in their office. A doctor’s training and experience mean you’ll have access to much better information than you can find on the Internet.

What is a wellness exam for women?

Your well-woman visit includes speaking with your doctor about your questions and concerns. It also includes routine screenings and a physical exam. 

Depending on your age and whether you are sexually active, you can expect measurements of your weight and height, a blood pressure check, a breast exam, a pelvic exam, and sometimes, a Pap smear, which is a cervical screening. 

Pap smears are not performed at every exam. They are generally recommended for women ages 21 to 65 every three years, but women should have a comprehensive wellness exam annually. As you age, or if you experience health changes, you may receive other tests or exams specific to your body and health. 

It’s essential to have a doctor you trust. If you’re uncomfortable being honest with your current practitioner, think about switching. Your doctor should be a trusted partner in your wellness.

Contact Dr. Lona Sasser Obstetrics & Gynecology to schedule your well-woman exam today. You can easily book online or call us at (954)340-1050.

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash


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